Interview Yourself - It doesn’t have to be perfect!
Secrets to a Great Video :
1) The sun or light should be facing you;
2) Stand in front of a scene of the city you are visiting, or something that shows where you are;
3) Record yourself in a quiet area;
4) Read the prep questions below and think about your answers briefly
5) Speak deliberately, looking into the camera.
6) Upload video(s) to the supplied link (at the end) of the prep questions.
You may want a friend to record you with your phone, while you have the questions easily accessible on their phone. Then you can swap.
Film as many videos as you like, no longer than 1-2 minutes (each)
Recording the videos should take roughly less than 10 mins, and it needs to be recorded in-country to earn the $20.
Answer at least 3 of the questions below.
1: Introduce yourself
What’s your name, what are you studying, which university/ college are studying at, what is your study abroad program focused on, and where it is located?
[ex: My name is Sam. I’m studying Journalism at the University of Texas, and I’m in Accra, Ghana learning about healthcare.] (~10 seconds)
2: Topic & Location
Why did you chose this program and what have you learned from it?
{ex. I chose to come to Ghana because I’ve always wanted to visit Africa, especially a place very different from where I live, but also a place where I could easily communicate, since I wanted to interview people for my journalism project. I learned so much about the people and their healthcare system, not only the challenges they face but the incredibly low cost of healthcare as well. For example …”] (~30-60 seconds)
3: Highlights
Did you meet anyone, have a meeting or visit a place that you will never forget- while you were on this program?
[ex: We visited an HIV clinic in a small town and met with a doctor who spoke with us about the challenges they face. She told us…]
4: Culture
Was there anything about the local culture that was surprisingly similar or different to your own?
[ex: Everyone was so friendly and the food was so good. One of my favorite experiences was learning a song that our guide, Wisdom, taught us on a boat ride to the island where a local clinic was located. Not only was the area gorgeous, and the boat ride a blast, the song and its meaning were beautiful. It goes like this… And it means…]
5: Advice
What advice do you have for others considering going on a program to this country?
[ex: Well, first, GO! Second, take a sweater for the plane. And third, learn the Ghanian handshake- check it out! (show the handshake]